BCU Foundation donated to the STEPPE UP FOR UKRAINE


BCU Foundation was proud to sponsor STEPPE UP FOR UKRAINE which raised nearly $93,000 for Help Us Help.

Ukrainians from Niagara organized a cycling event to raise money for Help Us Help to respond to the needs of the people in war-torn Ukraine.

BCU Foundation donated $1,000 to a local Ukrainian initiative to reach its fundraising goal.

The fundraising goal was set at $30,000, but when donors surpassed it by over 300 per cent, the organizers challenged the community to raise $100,000.

The focus of the event was to continue engaging the public and reminding them about the ongoing war in Ukraine which as displaced millions of Ukrainians.

92 cyclists participated in the ride with two routes to choose from 19 kilometers ride and a 120-kilometer ride for more experienced cyclists.

“Our main goal was to keep the drum leading to raise awareness, which means involving non-Ukrainians,” said Christyna Prokipchuk, the event organizer. “And to raise money but really the first one is to keep the awareness up.”

The event’s success may lead to another ride next year, making it an annual event.

BCU Foundation was glad to get involved with the project and donate $1,000. BCU Financial also donated all the flags used at the event and throughout the Niagara route.