General Funds

The BCU Foundation General Fund supports a wide spectrum of community initiatives in Canada. Donations to the BCUF General Fund are made by broad-based donations or through fundraising events. The BCUF General Fund is not designated to a specific cause but provides general financial support for various endeavours that meet BCU Foundation’s overall mission, values, and general mandate. This fund is flexible and gives the BCU Foundation Board of Directors the ability to direct the funds to where they are most needed. BCU Foundation has provided funding for a number of important endeavours in Canada, including:

history icon

historical and cultural endeavors

education icon

education and exhibitions

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documentary icon

documentaries and multimedia

concert icon

concerts and music recordings

atheletes icon

athletes, youth and sports

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medical and humanitarian

community icon

community events and conferences

relief of poverty icon

relief of poverty

Designated Funds

A BCU Foundation Designated Fund is a fund set up by a Canadian individual, family, or organization to provide an ongoing, reliable and permanent stream of support for a particular purpose, cause, organization, or area of interest specified by the fund’s benefactor.

The creation of a Designated Fund allows the donor to leave a personal legacy by making a meaningful contribution, in perpetuity, to our community’s development. The annual income earned from investing the capital of a Designated Fund is earmarked for a specific purpose according to the instructions of the donor.

Stanley Peterson Literary Award

The award is designated for authors of literary works, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama and literature for young people.

Stanley Peterson Translation Grant

The award is designated for translators of literary works of fiction and non-fiction, considered to be of significant importance to the Ukrainian community in Canada, Ukraine, and internationally.

Stanley Peterson Writer’s Award

The awarded is designated for authors of non-fiction work, written in English or Ukrainian, who are publishing their first book.

The Stanley Peterson Awards recognize literary works that are deemed to promote a positive image of Ukrainians, both as individuals, a community, and a people, including their history, culture, and other subject matter. The recipients are authors from Ukraine, Canada and the diaspora whose works are written in Ukrainian or English.

Yurij Skripchinski Holodomor Education Fund

The fund supports research and education projects that raise awareness of the Holodomor Famine – Genocide in Ukraine.

Yurij Skripchinski Ukraine International Fund

The fund is designated for young diplomats and the promotion of a positive image of Ukraine.

Yurij Skripchinski Learning for Advancement Fund

The fund supports orphaned and underprivileged children in Canada and Ukraine.

No Child Left Behind Fund

The fund supports the improvement to the quality of life of orphaned children in Ukraine.

Historical Truth Fund

The fund supports educational and research projects, conferences and publications advancing truth and historical accuracy as they relate to past and contemporary Ukrainian history.

The fund supports projects promoting Ukrainian history with the focus on Ukraine’s struggle for independence.

This endowment fund is designated to support the Ukrainian Catholic Sobor of the Holy Protection in Toronto and its affiliated non-profit organizations. The fund was established by Buduchnist Credit Union to celebrate the joining of St. Mary’s (Toronto) Credit Union with BCU.


The fund supports projects that engage Ukrainian-Canadian youth and help develop leadership skills.

The fund provides scholarships and bursaries to seminarians and students of theology.  The fund was established by Buduchnist Credit Union upon joining with St. Mary’s (Toronto) Credit Union.

Wira & Alex Kanareisky Holodomor Fund

Wira & Alex Kanareisky Cultural Education Fund

The funds focus on cultural and educational projects and support projects enhancing public awareness of Holodomor, 1932-1933 famine-genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The fund was established by the League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC) in honour of Ilya Pudlak of Calgary, Alberta who left a bequest to the LUC.  The fund supports projects that nurture Ukrainian-Canadian identity and advance information about all aspects of Ukrainian history.

Books: Our Pathway to Knowledge Fund

The fund supports Ukrainian children and youth publications, especially on historic themes.

The fund was established by the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women and supports the collection of interviews, publications, films, commemorative activities that help document, preserve, or disseminate information on the experiences of post-World war II Ukrainian immigrants who passed through Pier 21 in Halifax to build a new life in Canada.

The two funds assist children and youth-oriented projects.

The fund is designated for programs for youth to “build our future leaders”, including, but not exclusively, leadership skills and team building programs.

The fund was established to support the rehabilitation needs of wounded Ukrainian soldiers of the war in eastern Ukraine.

The fund was established to support the Ukrainian-Canadian community and assist with the needs of Ukrainians in Ukraine.

The fund was established in memory of Julia Werbowyj.

The fund is designated for projects which support the development of a free, sovereign and democratic Ukraine and the organizations that work for this cause.

The fund is designated for initiatives and organizations which support Ukraine’s freedom, democracy, and social development.

The fund supports educational projects, research and publications focused on the history of Ukraine in the 20th century and Ukraine’s struggle to achieve independence.

The fund was established from the Estate of William Wasylyk and is designated to support youth in need and programs for youth development.

The Mykola & Ivan Koshyk Volunteer Leadership Fund is an annual award of $1000 for young individuals of Ukrainian descent between the ages of 18-35 who live in the province of Ontario. The award is focused on the individual’s community leadership and volunteerism, and community connections. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents in Canada.

Designated Funds Established Through Fundraising or Broad-based Donations

The fund is designed to assist Euromaidan activists and victims of Euromaidan attacks.  The fund also helps other NGOs and community organizations that fight corruption and support reforms, growth and the development of civic society that was born on the barricades on Kyiv’s Independence Square.

The fund was created in the immediate aftermath of the bloody and horrific events of the Euromaidan. The fund’s objective is to provide financial support to the families of the fallen Nebesna Sotnia heroes – victims of the attack on civilian protestors which took place in February 2014.

The recent project CAUSE [Canadian Assistance to Ukraine for Surgical Equipment] has grown into ASSIST [Advanced Surgical Skills & Implants for Skeletal Trauma]

It has been well established in the medical literature that during armed conflict, traumatic orthopedic injuries are a substantial burden to hospitals, physicians, nurses, equipment supply chains, and other health-system resources. War-related skeletal injuries frequently require expensive orthopedic implants and often require multiple operations to deal with soft tissue wounds. Orthopedic injuries frequently require long admission periods in hospitals, consuming significant resources.

In response to the war in Ukraine, in March of 2022, BCU Foundation established a  medical humanitarian initiative  CAUSE: Canadian Assistance to Ukraine for Surgical Equipment Fund. CAUSE  provided orthopedic and trauma surgical supplies for Ukrainian hospitals and physicians caring for patients with wartime injuries. The project has now grown into ASSIST [Advanced Surgical Skills & Implants for Skeletal Trauma].

The volume of injuries as a result of the war in Ukraine has seriously drained Ukraine’s health system’s ability to cope. Assistance with the volume of surgical implants as well as more modern technology and training to use the latest technology is essential in Ukrainian hospitals now in order to have the best clinical outcomes for Ukrainian civilians and military personnel. Advanced Surgical Skills & Implants for Skeletal Trauma (ASSIST) Project will address both the orthopedic implant shortage and modernization and the training of surgeons for a more modern, advanced management of challenging wartime orthopedic surgical wounds.


  1. To assist Ukrainian surgeons with procuring more modern and efficacious surgical equipment to support the military and civilian populations’ surgical needs during the conflict in Ukraine.
  1. To develop an ongoing, collaborative advanced surgical education program at Canadian trauma centers for Ukrainian surgeons to learn the use of latest generation trauma instrumentation applicable to the Ukrainian conflict

The fund is designated for supplies and humanitarian initiatives and is designed to assist in providing treatment and medical support for injured soldiers of the war in eastern Ukraine.

The fund was established to provide funding for a new community facility under the direction and management of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre Toronto.

The Canada 150 Fund: Building the Ukrainian Story is the newest funding initiative launched by BCU Foundation. It commemorates Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation.

This fund will provide scholarship opportunities for Ukrainian-Canadian graduate students and young scholars to pursue research in science, technology, business, finance and other disciplines. It will help to continue building the Ukrainian-Canadian story and to make a visible impact on the multicultural landscape of Canada.

BCU Foundation is committed to fostering the development of future generations of scholars and young professionals who will flourish in their careers, give back to their community, and continue the tradition of excellence set by Ukrainians in Canada. Together we are building the Ukrainian story and creating a legacy.

The Guardian Angels Ukraine Project is a humanitarian initiative established by the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women.

The project’s mission is to support the medical treatment, rehabilitation, and social integration of Ukraine’s wounded soldiers and victims of the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine.

Given the scale of the current internal displacement in Ukraine due to war as well as the refugee crisis in Europe and Canada, BCU Foundation has initiated a “New Hope Fund” in support of Ukrainian nationals arriving in Canada and in critical need of resettlement. The “New Hope Fund” would support the traditional basic needs of shelter and adaptation. The Fund would promote a dignified new life in Canada by nurturing programs that enhance social support and foster unity and mutual respect through community-building efforts.

A pooled community fund will contribute to more coordinated and impactful assistance of incoming Ukrainians in Canada.

Provides humanitarian support to children affected by war in Ukraine, specifically the Children of Active & Fallen Defenders (Armed Forces of Ukraine & Territorial Defense); in the form of Trauma Rehabilitation, Wellness & Leadership training at Summer & Winter Camps and ongoing treatment throughout the year.

BCU Financial Group Funds

The fund supports projects and events that celebrate, promote, commemorate and share the story of the first and second waves of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.

The fund supports all aspects of the visual and performing arts, including Ukrainian music, painting, sculpture, dance, theatre, photography, and other forms of artistic expression.

The fund supports research, publications and films that capture the Ukrainian experience encompassing many generations, comprising several waves of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.

The fund is designated for the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYM) and the Ukrainian Youth Association PLAST, by supporting conferences, seminars, courses, jamborees and exchange camps organized by both of these Canadian youth organizations.

The fund responds to needs that develop in the community in the area of health, social assistance, disaster relief and provides assistance to support the welfare of others.

The fund promotes athletic excellence, sportsmanship, and fair play in a spirit of friendship, by supporting not-for-profit organizations that use sports to strengthen the Ukrainian identity in Canada and around the world.